
Improvement of Water Supply in Southern Regions of Kosovo

Iber-Lepenc Hydro System Project Phase 1  (2022-ongoing)

  • Client: COWI
  • Location: Kosovo
  • Duration of assignment: 16 months

Project Description

The project includes preparation of investment for major improvement of water supply in southern regions of Kosovo. The project (WB25-KOS-ENV-01) is an element of the Infrastructure Project Facility 11 (IPF 11). The company activities on the assignment include, inter alia, elaboration of mitigation measures for sound management of various fractions of waste generated during the construction and operation of the proposed infrastructure.

Services provided by our team

  • Assist in the preparation of all environmental aspects of the ESIA disclosure package and in particular contribute to the Environment and Social Impact Study and the Environment and Social Management Plan;
  • Preparation of all environmental aspects of the ESIA disclosure package and in particular develop inputs to the Environment and Social Impact Study, the Environment and Social Management Plan and the Stakeholder Engagement Plan.

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Development of a Construction and Demolition Waste Management Plan

Development of a Construction and Demolition Waste Management Plan in Kosovo  (2022-2023)

  • Client: EBRD
  • Location: Kosovo
  • Duration of assignment: 12 months

Project Description

The project aim is to Support the competent authorities of Kosovo in providing proper services regarding the management of CDW. Main activities performed in the project is to assist in development of CDW Management Plan including institutional/legal assessment, review of technical elements and assessment of environmental and local impacts

Services provided by our team

  • In charge of Environmental and Social segment of the project;
  • Support in Drafting of strategies in regards to the environment;
  • Attending capacity building programs and workshops with stakeholders;
  • Review and manage stakeholder engagement plan;
  • Overall E&S management and oversight of project activities.

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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

Water Supply Improvement and Water Resources Protection for Gjakova Regional Water Company (2021-2022)

  • Client: COWI
  • Location: Kosovo
  • Duration of assignment: 12 months

Project Description

Within the project ” Water Supply Improvement and Water Resources Protection for Gjakova Regional Water Company” three main components will be implemented, as follows:

  • Installation of smart water meters in the supply system. An estimated 41,000 water meters need to be replaced with smart meters and 37,000 new wells need to be built before smart meters can be installed.
  • Replacement of asbestos-cement pipes with polyethylene pipes in the service area, which includes approximately 10 km of asbestos pipes in the urban area of Gjakova and in the villages of Rahovec and Prizren.
  • The creation of the online monitoring system of the quality of the flowing waters in the Radoniq lake.

Services provided by our team

  • Evaluate the project potential environmental impacts in its area of influence; identify ways of improving project environmental performance during its different stages by preventing, minimizing or mitigating potential adverse environmental impacts and enhancing positive impacts;
  • Conduct data collection and analysis for the baseline study and current situational analysis, using a variety of research methods and tools;
  • Prepare ESIA Report;
  • Coordinated with project teams, external partners, and stakeholders to ensure that all environmental and social impact assessments were conducted in accordance with regulatory requirements and industry best practices;
  • Site visits.

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Environmental and Social Capacity Building Program

Environmental and Social Capacity Building Program – Scoping phase Kosovo (2020-2021)

  • Client: EBRD
  • Location: Kosovo
  • Duration of assignment: 12 months

Project Description

The project objectives were: – To ensure continuity of vital infrastructure services during the current pandemic; – To support vital infrastructure providers to maintain their capacity and, accordingly, enable the private sector and the economy to recover from the crisis; – To support improvement of corporate governance of vital infrastructure providers.

Services provided by our team

  • Review the existing monitoring system in place at the POE Monitoring Unit and provide some recommendations in order to ensure it is aligned with EBRD PRs, for the sub-projects (on- lending or on-granted agreements) financed by the EBRD loan. The objective was to monitor the E&S. performance of all End Borrowers, on a risk based approach.
  • Meet with key stakeholders and undertake a few site visits in order to be able to define a capacity building program that will improve E&S practices in the sectors financed by the EBRD Project (mainly waste and water sectors).

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Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance

Environmental, Social and Corporate governance activities in Kosovo (2021-2022)

  • Client: IFC
  • Location: Prishtine
  • Duration of assignment: 12 months

Project Description

IFC Eastern Europe and Central Asia Promoting Investment through Integrated Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Standards Program (“the Program”), financed by SECO, which aims to promote sustainable investment into selected priority countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, through a programmatic approach targeting ESG in both the financial and real sector. The Program will provide practical support to companies on good CG/ESG/SF practices over the long term. Efforts will focus on sectors and themes that have been selected as priorities for the Program, to create targeted improvement of ESG standards in high-potential sectors.

Services provided by our team

  • Guide the Client in the expansion of E&S management to all existing and proposed new operations (e.g. crops, feedlots, abattoir);
  • Guide the Client in assigning a permanent ESMS Senior Management Sponsor responsible for the implementation and effectiveness of the E&S Policy, ESMS team and program support, budgeting adequate funds as needed to eliminate nonconformities and observed E&S risks and impacts, and ensuring the effectiveness of the program;
  • Provide capacity building and knowledge transfer for the Client to identify, evaluate, and manage environmental and social (E&S) risks and impacts to employees, external stakeholders, surrounding communities, and the environment, using the IFC ESMS Tool;
  • Ensure that the Client designs, constructs, and implements practical stakeholder identification and engagement procedures, which clearly describe employee responsibilities regarding the management of complaints, grievances, and information requests from affected communities and stakeholders.
  • Develop Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for measuring E&S performance aligned with other IFC Performance Standards and the Client’s original and Expansion EA E&S Management Plan;

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Due Diligence

Environmental and Social Due Diligence for Private Bank

  • Client: ProCredit Bank
  • Location: Kosovo
  • Duration of assignment: 2021 – ongoing

Project Description

Environmental Consulting Team acting as an Environmental and Social Independent Consultant was contracted to prepare a report relating to the Environmental and Social Due Diligence (ESDD) assessment of ProCredit Bank clients

Services provided by our team

  • Identify and assess potential E&S impacts and issues, both adverse and beneficial, associated with company activities and to propose mitigation and monitoring measures for identified E&S risks as per ToR; 
  • Assess the client’s awareness of, and commitment and capacity to responsibly manage the E&S risks inherent in their business activities; 
  • Evaluate the client’s measures to avoid, minimize, mitigate, or offset/compensate for, adverse impacts on workers, affected communities and the environment;
  • Identify any areas of client non-compliance, if any, with national environmental, health, safety and labor laws and IFC Performance Requirements.

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Bajgora Wind Project

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) of the 105 MW Wind Farm Project (2016 – 2018)

Environmental and Social Supervision (2019 – ongoing)

  • Client: SOWI Kosovo
  • Location: Bajgore (Northern Kosovo)
  • Duration of assignment: 2016 – ongoing

Project Description

Prepared Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study according to EBRD’s PR standards for the development of the Wind Energy project in Northern Kosovo with a total capacity of 105 MW for German-Kosovar SPV company.

Services provided by our team

  • Preparing and applying for local EIA study
  • Public Consultations
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Biodiversity study
  • Preparing Environmental and Social Impact Assessment study in compliance with EBRD PR standards
  • Preparing Environmental and Social Action Plan for the project
  • Preparing of Non-technical Summary

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KEK Greenland Project

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for KEK Greenland Project (2019-2020)

  • Client: The World Bank
  • Location: Prishtina Region
  • Duration of assignment: 4 months

Project Description

The KEK site ESIA was conducted in accordance to Environment and Social Standard ESS1: Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts, and will consider, in an integrated way, all relevant direct, indirect and cumulative environmental and social risks and impacts of the project, including those specially identified according to the ESS 1 to 10 standards.

Services provided by our team

  • Review applicable legal, regulatory and policy requirements and associated regulations and standards of the Government of Kosovo, the EU, the World Bank and other donors
  • Review KEK’s intervention addressing environmental issues and current practices
  • Identify the ‘project influence area’/ ‘study area’ considering environmental settings
  • Summarize the ESF requirement of the associated facilities to be implemented in future
  • Conduct Environmental and Social Screening for KEK site
  • Collect the following Baseline Information from secondary sources for the KEK site : Physical environment; Biological environment; Socio-cultural environment and Pollution Assessment

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Kremenata Dam

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of Kremenata Dam (2020)

  • Client: Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment
  • Location: Kamenice
  • Duration of assignment: 6 months

Project Description

Preparation of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and preliminary Resettlement Action Plan (pRAP) for the Kremenata Reservoir and Auxiliary facilities (hydropower plant, water treatment plant, pipeline, access roads etc.); Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) and Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) for all other investments under project component 2 & 3 including subcomponent CERC, where exact location of the interventions are still unknown.

Services provided by our team

  • Inception Report (IR) 
  • Stakeholder Engagement Plan, Communication and Public Consultation Plan (CPCP)
  • Environmental and Social Scoping Study (ESSS)
  • Draft Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
  • Public Consultation Report (PCR)
  • Final Preliminary RAP
  • Final Resettlement Policy Framework Report
  • Final Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
  • Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan (ESMMP)

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Due Diligence

Technical, Operational and Environmental and Social Due Diligence (2019)

  • Client: EBRD
  • Location: Prishtine and Drenas
  • Duration of assignment: 6 months

Project Description

The objective of the Assignment was to identify and assess any potentially significant future adverse environmental and social impacts associated with the proposed Project, assess compliance with applicable laws and the EBRD ESP and PRs, determine the measures needed to prevent or minimise and mitigate the adverse impacts, and identify potential environmental and social opportunities, including those that would improve the environmental and social sustainability of the Project , notably in regards to economic opportunities for the local population.

Services provided by our team

  • Identify Project-related environmental and social impacts and risks
  • Describe and characterise a relevant environmental and social baseline commensurate with the risks posed by the Project
  • Develop a draft E&S Assessment report to cover the Bank’s requirements
  • Prepare a draft Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), draft Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) and draft Non-Technical Summary (NTS)
  • Identify if any additional studies will be required to cover relevant aspects in greater detail (eg. biodiversity, resettlement, retrenchment, etc,)
  • Finalise all documentation further to the EBRD’s, other lenders’ (if involved) and the Client’s comments.

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