About us

Brief Presentation

Having worked with international organizations and financial institutions such as World Bank, EBRD, IFC, UNDP, USAID, KfW, since 2008 in various infrastructural and energy projects in Kosovo, and getting familiar with their requirements on Environmental and Social impact, finally Mr. Pellumb Gjinolli has decided to establish the Environmental Consulting Team to provide unique and tailor made services with well-skilled environmental and social impact experts.
Environmental and Social sustainability is core to what we do and how we advise our clients. We carry out due process, using local and international specialist associates, in collaboration with our clients, stakeholders and the communities affected by the projects we work on.
We are the first local company to have successfully delivered Environmental and Social Impact Assessment study for a wind energy park (largest in region) according to EBRD performance standards, while similar studies and assignments are under development.
Moreover with high competency, acquired expertise together with deep passion, we dedicate financially and constructive relationships for our clients to save them money, time and reduce their Environmental, Safety and Health impacts as well as Socio-Economic development of society.
We assist our client’s operational activities, processes and business to ensure to comply with applicable legal and other requirements locally and internationally.

Our Clients:

Our Focus Is 100% On Client Needs And Satisfaction.


Our vision is to be the most qualified and respected company in the environmental industry. We will do this though promoting and creating a better, safe and healthy environmentally based culture. This will be achieved with according to our integrity and ethics presented in our work. Furthermore, our work is supported with creativity, motivation and inclusivity that are represented by our Research and Development department.


Our company’s mission is being one of the best, trustworthy and professional environmental firms. We also do our maximum in building relations with our clients and partners in order to achieve a more developed sustainable world. In addition, with our relations with our partners and clients we can compete internationally. Moreover, we are targeting to be the only company that really represents how “GREEN” should be.

Meet Our Team!

Fjolla Cavolli



Lirik Hadri

Lirik Hadri

Environmental Engineer


Diellza Osmanaj

Diellza Osmanaj

Environmental Engineer


Blert Gjinolli2

Blert Gjinolli

Environmental Engineer


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Voltiza Dreshaj

Environmental Engineer


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